The highest quality film and digital photographic prints using the very latest technology. Order online today!
Ph: (03) 9855 0006
Here at PhotoQ we have dedicated slide and negative scanners that can turn your old 35mm slides and negs into brilliant digital images or we can scan them to DVD or CD disk, perfect for sharing with the family online or printing. Some of your old slides may have shifted colour over the years but don't despair, we have full control over the colour during the scanning process and can often restore your long forgotten memories to like new.
Once we are done scanning your slides we run photoshop filters to minimize dust and scratches and also to apply sharpening where required.
We are also able to scan your 35mm & medium format negatives.
There wouldn't be too many families out there that weren't familiar with slides, whether it was enduring a slide night with Uncle Charlie after his trip away to Norfolk Island or just the regular old family snaps, chances are you'll have some sides stored away somewhere. Kodachromes were the most popular way to capture colour photos for decades, so popular Simon and Garfunkel wrote a song about it! Even Kodachromes that are well over 50 years old still have fantastic colour.
Just ring us on (03) 9855 0006 for a quote.